e.g. Tales of Two Cities, VCE literature guide, membership...
The VATE Village podcast is hosted by our Education Officer, Emma Jenkins, and is a space to facilitate professional discussions about English curriculum, pedagogy and assessment. VATE Village hopes to spark conversation between you and your colleagues about matters pertaining to the English classroom and to give you some things to think about when designing your English programs in your context.
You can listen to VATE Village here on this page, or you can subscribe to be the first to hear the new episodes as they are released on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Deezer.
All texts discussed, recommended and mentioned by Emma and her guests are available for purchase through our partner bookseller, The Little Bookroom. Michael keeps an up to date list of all texts from the podcast! You can visit his curated VATE Village booklist here.
Websites suggested, articles read, professional learning on offer and resources to use can be found here.
If you are interested in being involved with VATE Village or have a topic that you’d like to hear discussed, please reach out via email with your suggestions.